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You should attend the dentist every 6 months and more frequently if the problem persists.

Generally, you will be entitled to; one exam per year, two fillings per annum and extractions (no limit). Other high-risk patients may be entitled to more treatment, your dental practice can apply for this type of extended treatment.

. It will cover you for one free exam per calendar year and a subsidised scale and polish.

The HSE have a school screening service that aims to see children in 4th, 5th and 6th class. Sometimes this is not possible for all children to be seen. Children under the age of 16 are entitled to emergency treatment from the HSE public dental services. They are not entitled to any treatment in private practice during the above age.

Dental amalgam is silver coloured material used for fillings. It contains several metals including mercury. It may have a negative impact on your health.

At your initial appointment the dentist will do a thorough medical history such as past medical history, medications, allergies or anything that may affect your dental treatment. This is to ensure your treatment is carried our safely and efficiently.

Be sure to make your dentist aware of this, you can have the treatment done but many dentists would prefer to wait to do any elective treatment until after the pregnancy.

This is usually a result of not cleaning/ brushing your teeth thoroughly enough. When you do not clean correctly plaque will build up which will then irritate the gums and build up underneath, causing the bacteria to infect the gums also causing bleeding.

Plaque is soft and sticky stuff found on teeth, can be removed with daily, brushing and flossing. The dentist will show you the correct brushing and flossing methods to remove plaque build-up.

You should contact your dental practice as soon as possible, avoid eating/ drinking in that area, and avoid hard foods, sweets and overly sugary foods. If you are having sensitivity you should apply a high fluoride toothpaste to the area and avoid rinsing it off.

You should replace it as soon as possible. Do not touch the root of the tooth, only touch the part which is usually visible in the mouth. Put under cold water to remove any dirt and place gently back into the socket. If cannot be put back into the socket, store it properly. Milk is a good medium as it has calcium, if not milk then use saline water till you see dentist. Do not let the tooth dry out.

Root canal treatment is the removal of the nerves that have died due to decay on the tooth. When a nerve dies it can cause the tooth to decay due to the bacteria and will cause infection. If the tooth is not treated it will cause abscess and pain and swelling.

A crown also known as a Cap which is a cover that will fit over a prepared tooth. It is the same shape as the tooth, and a suitable shade is picked for match. It is used if a tooth has badly broken. This encloses the tooth structure appearance just like a normal tooth.

This is common in adults, there can be numerous causes e.g. trauma, awkward biting, stress. It is due to excessive grinding of the teeth which can make the chewing muscles very tender located around the jaw joint. Please your dentist for treatment or possibly night guard.

A dental bridge is like two crowns with a false tooth between them. The whole crown is cemented to the teeth on either side of the area with the gap. This means both teeth on either side are prepared for a crown. A Maryland bridge is different and is just cemented to the back of the tooth instead of putting crowns on the teeth on either side.

You should wear your retainer for 6 months day and night for the first 6 months (only remove when eating

At the beginning of wearing them you may feel pressure and potentially some soreness for the first few days. It is normal to experience this. Don’t panic if you have some discomfort initially.

We recommend full-time retainers for the first 6 months. After your initial 6 months, we recommend attending your dentist for a review. The dentist will then advise you a nighttime retainer regime.

Similar to the teeth, retainers will keep collecting the bacteria, plaque and tartar from your mouth while you wear them, we recommend you clean your retainer regularly. Do not submerge your retainer in hot water as it can melt. If you need the advice to clean your retainer please contact us.

The retainer keeps the teeth in position and protect them from being crooked again. In the beginning, you may notice a lisp because your mouth is not used to it but gradually, it will go away

Each individual case is different and can vary in time, usually, we will give a time frame of 18 months to two years.

We can achieve a straight smile for many patients with clear braces, lingual braces, original metal train tracks and clear aligners. Book a free consultation with us to see which are suitable for you.